Get Reddit Posts

Updated by Karan


Byteline allows you easily pull data from any subreddit. In this document, you will observe how to get data from Reddit and use that on the other flow nodes.

Create Flow

For this document, we assume the flow is initiated with a Webhook trigger node. For more details, you can check the documentation on How to create your first flow design.

Step - 1. Click to add node.

Step - 2. Select the Reddit node from the select node window.

Step - 3. Click on the edit button of the Reddit node to start the configuration.

Step - 4. Once you have established the Reddit connection, enter the Subreddit name in the Get Subreddit Posts window for which you want to get posts in the textbox.

Run the flow.

Click "Test run"

The flow shall be successfully deployed and executed.


Let's compare the structure of data on the Reddit site and on the Select Variable Tool.

Structure of data on Reddit site.

Structure of data fetched by the select variable tool of Byteline.

The green indicator shows that the Reddit node has been configured.

Hence, you have successfully configured the Reddit node. Develop fast!

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