Google Forms - New Response Trigger

Updated by Devinder Singh

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to configure a Google forms- New Response Trigger for your website or application.

How to Configure?

1. Click on 'Edit' button.

Screenshot of: Click on 'Edit' button.

2. Click on 'Sign in with Google' option.

Screenshot of: Click on 'Sign in with Google' option.

3. Choose an account.

Screenshot of: Choose an account.

4. Allow access and Click on 'Continue'

Screenshot of: Allow access and Click on 'Continue'

5. Click on 'Refresh'.

Screenshot of: Click on 'Refresh'.

6. Select the 'Form' from the dropdown.

Screenshot of: Select the 'Form' from the dropdown.

7. Click on 'Test run'.

Screenshot of: Click on 'Test run'.

Advanced Settings

The details of the advanced settings are covered in Scheduled Triggers - Advanced.

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